Monday 29 March 2010

Saturday 19 September 2009

some one just said my blog was boring ..........
so now i am thinking what to write

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Sunday 30 December 2007


WELL! Neohoney ji

You gave me this idea on saying something about "Amna"

First of all what ever I am about to say, is coming from my heart and mind.
I did try once before to say things about her in one of her accounts about her, but I felt that this was not meant for her friends to read or for the world. So i told her what i felt about it.
Now that you have said that i should say something amna..i thought i had to have a go at it and see what happens. I hope you will understand what i am trying to say.I hope she will be happy with this....... lolzzz.

When i last spoke to you as you told me you have already notice how mature she is.....MASHALLAH!.

If i do say nice things about her its not because she is like my own daughter or my cusions daughter but because she is Amna ..the Unique that's her and she is so different. the only way i can describe her is like she so much reminds me of me.....and i totally understand and feel for her...
she is so mature . so understanding and strong minded. she is growing up so fast for her age ....i feel she is locked, trapped ............hmm......she needs to spread her wings .....and she cant...she needs exposer.......but all this will come for her INSHALLAH when the time is right for her...
I wish so much that she could come stay with me for a while to get a different experience and for her to enjoy her self.

To me she is like the saying goes ..THE BLACK SHEEP OF THE FAMILY... or like i explained to her once SHE IS THE UGLY DUCKING and i meant that in a very nice my opinion to me that means she is different from all and THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT there is always something special .....sometime only the person it self feels and understands this as time goes on ...sometime others notice this....and they tend to give out comments....which hurt the person or either its good opinions.........
MY mum ALLAH UN KO JANNAT NASEEB KERAIN... use to say same to me about how different and mature i was .......and how understanding i i grew up i found they out how my mind worked and how to deal in life and how sometime i did not belong .......enough about me.back to Amna.

In 2002 while in palistan i got a chance to to speak to her very briefly .and thats how it all started since than i have kept in touch with her via net -email and net chatting .and we have become close . we have got to know each other more. i was actually quite taken back when i found out that Amna actually remembers me the very first time i visited her home and that was way before must have been in 1996 or even 94 ....hmm.,
All i know is that i do feel a lot for her and i care for her and i hope and feel that she can come to me for Advice any time she feels she needs to and also i am here for for what ever reason.........

There is something else i want to say .........which is that, i feel she has changed in the last six months some how ....i can feel and tell all this via net ....i know she is going through some different phase and i know it will pass......

(Amna do you know what, I still go through, a phase like you ,,,,it comes and goes..and the only thing we can do is understand it and learn from it......if not now but when it leave us with a scar in the mind of knowing what it was about.......
hope i am not going to deep, but you been a philosopher like me will know what i am on about...)

she is changing for the better INSHALLAH......she has not changed in a bad way but ...just by feelings and experiencing in life......of wanting to know a lot and wanting answers .......the rest i cant say .but i wish i had the chance of being there to talk to her.....and spending time with her....

she is very level headed (this comes from her parents upbringing) knows her limits and knows what is right and wrong. even if she has a problem to discuss with me she already has the answer.......and knows what to do....BUT The good thing i like about her is that she is willing to talk about it of ask me about, just to get to know my opinion.......:-)
she is very easy to talk to and reliable a a good dear friend.

she is turning in to a real beauty.......she has nice features and is stunning looking in many ways.
To me she is not the girly type like most who are always worried about what to wear on certain occasions and what make-up and all this girly stuff i call it...... Nope she is no the type to think or give a dam about what people might say about her....she carry s her self well.
Has very strong personalty.

yeap thats what Amna is in my opinion, by what i have got to know about her......!



Friday 28 December 2007


Hi Amna.! Missed you too! so much.Wished you were here with me on my walks. yes your post is ok.
Thats what i did tell you to write what ever came to your dont worry about it.......we are only doing it for each other .and kamran, and haj , and millions who will come across this blogg of mine .like you came across that interesting one from that women...lolz he he he .

Now to answer some of your questions and your the way am happy to be here for your confusions and questions because i totally understand it.been through it felt it passed it.lolz going through it.....yeap it does get clear with time .....HANG IN THERE!
I dreaded it most this year mainly beacoz its been 9 months since X disappeared from ours streets and i know how noisy and caring my neighbours are today me ..i knew that i will have to face them ........and tell them that he has gone ...i can not lie to them or cover up for him.i Will have to tell the truth......that's what i was dreaded most .......i knew that the ones closet to me and my family were gonna be sympathetic ...towards me....and the others i also new had some sort of idea and that they were going to ask me about him.

the other reason being ..why i find it difficult each year is because its not me .i donut like doing what i don't agree with ,,,meaning they we have to do this card giving to these neighbour because its their Christmas......why cant they do this on our Eid with for us........i grew out of giving cards to them long time ago and that is why i find it a Big hassle, burden, ...i don't know there was a time when i used to enjoy it .as time went on i found it difficult ......knowing its only .like we say "ouper ouper say".......just for the tradition and sack of it......
i would not mind doing it if most of cared .........but it has become ...a thing like if you give a card then u get one back..and these people start giving out cards so early in the month ......and one is left feeling one must return it with a u get what i mean?.........
anyway .amna .i am hundred percent sure your not a coward and that you will be excited in doing it but then u too will feel what i am feeling.. ! I THIS CLEARS UR CONFUSION about why i dreded it.
yes it is a phase and i am loving it .i wish i was there to share it with you and giving the answers and a big Hug.

when i left home i was so looking forward to doing a daily blogg for you....about my experience here .anyway i have missed a week .so now i will do what i can .from now.......

Aman! i am loving being on my own i did not realise how much i needed the break.i find it so peaceful and less stress in my life.. i hope i don't sound selfish but finally i am doing for myself only .......
hey Don't tell anyone but the day i got here i found out habshi the cat had to go because it was not healthy for her to be trapped in this 2 story flat and that it was also against the landlords laws not to keep pets in the i only had her company for a short while .

I am here but at home we have guest ,,,,,,and asma amd waseem bahi are dealing with them and feeling the stress.
Sanna, Hajarah and Ahysha are staying over plus changaz and his family from Scotland have come to stay for 8 to 10 days .........the house is full .and me being the cook am not there..
aman Absence really does make the heart grow founder....sanna is missing me .she has phoned me..and other too...siama my cushion wife who are down from Scotland cant believe i wont leave the cat for her...she had rang me few time and wants me to come home.he he .....Asad wants to join me but had to go to work....asma bhaji is the only one who has not phoned or replied to my text because she is against me doing this and said i should have changed my plans..

anyway i am going to enjoy myself and make the most of it while i am here. Aman this area i am in is a bit like maree.....hilly and the can see for mile when on the top ....
and as you see from the photo i posted there was already a MOON ON THE HILL........lolz

Thursday 20 December 2007

for Amna

Hi Amna!

This thing called Blogging is so easy to do ....all you have to do is just put down what you did in certain time or place and or even put what you have been up to or what ever you have experienced in you to day or as one comes across some certain event in their life's......
let me tell you .....

How I spent my Eid-ul-Ada.........

I was supposed to have gone from my normal routine of cooking for Eid and having a break in Harrow ...but no such luck .no not for me.I am not lucky i guess.........
anyway on the last minute my going to harrow had been changed dues to some peoples plans.
Eid crept up on me because I was not suppose to be here i ended up being bored and started cooking as usual for id.after cooking sweet sawian , egg fried rice and chicken jalfrazi.........a change from the normal pallao ........
After cooking and doing the cleaning and polishing, I found I still had time on my hands so I wrote out Christmas cards for our dear neighbours..
of the last 25 years or so .....its a kind of a tradition that in my house hold I buy the cards and presents for the neighbours I write them and i give them out ......but some how every year I dread doing it .
I don't know why I hate it .Maybe it just courtesy's ...any way I went and delivered the cards in the letter boxes.
one neighbour always invites me in for tea .and this tea normally last an hour or so and we go over last years goods and Bad and what we have been up to and the usual how is the family..........
Than the last one I visit is the one next door, my dearest neighbour calls me in to swap our normal present of my box of biscuit's for him and his box of chocolate for me... His is Mr Howard, i have known them all my life. I went to school with his son John...we were in the same class.since we were 8. But this time it was different .... was tough for me Amna can you guess .....why?